Why is it essential to apply Environmental Best Practices ?

  • They are simple and useful measures that reduce the negative environmental impact of activities.
  • They involve changes at AYALA TECHNOLOGIES, S.L., and primarily in people’s behavior and habits, to reduce environmental risks, promote resource savings, and achieve sustainable business management.
  • They are straightforward changes that improve environmental behavior and commitment.
  • Applying them is essential for shared collaboration, ensuring everyone participates equally in environmental commitment.
  • Our health and safety are often compromised by environmental conditions at work, so implementing good environmental practices improves well-being and protects our surroundings.

Why is environmental protection a right and a benefit for everyone ?

  • As individuals, we are intimately connected to the environment, and its degradation harms us directly. Protecting it is part of our obligations, similar to ensuring personal and collective well-being.
  • Every action we take impacts the environment, giving us significant potential as agents of change.
  • By understanding the impact of our activities on the environment and adopting habits to protect nature in our personal and work lives, we contribute to a more sustainable society.

What results are achieved by applying these Environmental Best Practices ?

  • Reduce resource consumption and costs (water, energy, etc.).
  • Decrease waste production and facilitate its reuse.
  • Reduce emissions, noise, and water discharges.
  • Significantly contribute to environmental conservation and protection.

Energy Consumption


  • Light only areas in use and adjust light levels as needed.
  • Turn off lights when unnecessary, even for short periods (it’s a myth that turning fluorescents back on uses more energy than leaving them on).
  • Use low-energy lighting.
  • Organize workspaces to maximize natural light.
  • Open blinds and keep windows clean for natural light entry.

Climate Control:

  • Use climate control only when necessary.
  • Avoid drafts, close doors and windows properly to prevent energy loss.
  • Utilize natural temperature regulation, such as opening windows or lowering blinds.
  • Program climate control devices in used areas.
  • Prefer fans over air conditioning, as they consume significantly less energy and don’t contain harmful gases.


  • Set computers to power-saving mode, use a black screen saver to save energy.
  • Ensure computers (including monitors) are off at the end of the workday.
  • Configure devices in energy-saving mode, which can cut electricity use by up to 50%.
  • Use flat screens, as they consume less energy and emit less radiation.


  • Use recycled cartridges.
  • Shake toner cartridges when low to extend their life.
  • Return used cartridges for recycling.
  • Recycle old computer equipment.

Electrical Appliances:

  • Turn off appliances when not in use for over an hour.
  • Unplug chargers when not in use, as they consume energy even when not connected to a device.

Water Consumption

  • Ensure faucets are tightly closed.
  • Fix dripping taps; continuous leaks can waste up to 30 liters of water daily.
  • Report any maintenance issues to prevent leaks.

Paper Consumption

  • Encourage digital use to reduce paper consumption.
  • Use recycled, chlorine-free paper.
  • Print and copy double-sided whenever possible.
  • Use single-sided printed paper as scrap.
  • Dispose of used paper in designated recycling bins.

Fuel Consumption for Transport

Sustainable Transport and Mobility:

  • Consider virtual meetings instead of travel.
  • Prefer train travel over road or air.
  • Walk, bike, or use public transport when possible.
  • Plan routes to save time and fuel.
  • Choose electric or hybrid vehicles when buying or renting.
  • Perform regular vehicle maintenance as per manufacturer guidelines.
  • Share rides with colleagues or others with similar routes.

Driving Techniques:

  • Avoid opening windows unnecessarily.
  • Set air conditioning to 24-25°C.
  • Avoid sudden braking and acceleration.
  • Drive at a steady speed; the optimal speed for fuel efficiency is 90-100 km/h.
  • Use high gears and maintain low RPMs.
  • Keep tires properly inflated.

Waste Generation

Waste contaminates and, ultimately, represents poorly utilized resources; “the best waste is that which is not produced.” Therefore, we must primarily focus on reducing and reusing waste as much as possible.

  • Apply the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
  • Dispose of electronic waste at designated recycling centers.
  • Separate waste for proper disposal in municipal containers.
  • Greater segregation aids recycling; separate different types of paper, plastics, metals, etc.

Sustainable Purchasing Criteria

  • Plan purchases to buy only the necessary amount and avoid excess.
  • Prefer local suppliers and seasonal products.
  • Avoid excessive online purchases to reduce CO2 emissions.
  • Choose suppliers who guarantee quality from an environmental and fair trade perspective.
  • Select energy-efficient electrical and electronic appliances.
  • Buy products that are less harmful to the environment and non-toxic at the end of their life.
  • Prefer durable, repairable, reusable, and/or recyclable products.
  • Choose products made from biodegradable or recycled materials.
  • Opt for bulk products and avoid excessively packaged items.

Economic and Productive System

Our economic and productive system operates within the biosphere, which functions without producing waste. Resources are constantly renewed, and the energy source, the sun, is inexhaustible.

Our economy depends on nature’s environmental services, such as resource supply and renewal, pollution absorption, and restoration capacity.

To ensure our present and future well-being, our production systems must mimic nature’s closed-loop processes, progressively eliminating negative environmental impacts. Produced waste must be assimilable by nature, compatible with ecosystem functioning, and overall, with the biosphere’s balance.

Continuous improvement of our environmental behavior is necessary for long-term activity harmony with the environment and society. Implementing the Best Available Techniques and Good Environmental Practices will improve social and environmental justice, boost our mood and self-image, enhance competitiveness, and foster hope for reducing climate change.


1st Edition, May 2022

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